Jdsu fiber trace viewer
Jdsu fiber trace viewer

jdsu fiber trace viewer

A portable light-weight instrument <2.2 kg (4. The JD720 family has all of the measurement functions necessary to accurately verify the cell-site transmission line and antenna system from signal reflections (VSWR or Return Loss) to RF or optical transmission power and DTF (Distance to Fault.) It also enables the inspection of cell site fiber links via the P5000i microscope and measures optical power using the JDSU MP60/80 optical power sensors. offers a range of television production and transmission services. they have on the trace and how to choose the proper setup for a given test situation. From Business: Established in 1987, Diversified Communications Inc. It is essential to have the optimal instrument for properly servicing or installing cell sites and the JD720C is that tool. Topic: PC Simulator For Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). The JD723C/JD724C can inspect your RF coax cabling as well as your fiber. The majority of fiber issues are associated with end contamination, and with increased deployment in cell sites you need to test both. These problems are typically related to the cable feed line (coax or fiber), and until now you needed multiple instruments-one for RF and another for Fiber. Total event table of the loaded traces (in Excel format). Print or output to an Excel file of the report of the trace. The majority of problems in wireless networks occur at the base station infrastructure composed of the antenna system, cables, and connectors. Key features SORTraceViewer: View the trace and all measured parameters (you can open any number of traces).

Jdsu fiber trace viewer